This website is dedicated to sharing oceanic plankton images acquired using light or scanning electron microscopy during various oceanographic research cruises. This site is hosted by the contributing
Contributing scientists
Karine Leblanc,
Véronique Cornet,
Blandine Courtois,
Justine Legras, ingeneer at MIO, CNRS
Augustin Lafond,
Copyright and use of content
Most images on the website remain the copyright of the original authors. You are welcome to re-use the content for non-commercial purposes but we do expect you to include attribution. A typical attribution might be “image from plankton.mio.
Taxonomical identification
We have tried to identify species to the best of our abilities. If you spot misidentification or would like to propose unidentified species names, don’t hesitate to contact us, your inputs are welcomed ! The pictures galleries for each cruise are not to be considered as an exhaustive species list.